This Article is about Flip Day and what it means!
If you’re on Tik Tok, you’ve probably heard those Happy Flip Day greetings, but a lot of people are confused with the definition of this holiday!
And what Urban Dictionary suggests is definitely not an answer.
After scrolling down a bit on Twitter, I found many tweets about the day of the bat flip, which was October 14th. It’s the day José Bautista threw his bat after an incredible shot!
So I guess that’s what those congratulations are really about! And it’s definitely not about dressing in women’s clothing.
There is also another explanation of the Flip Day triller. It could be a way to promote social media pages on Tik Tok. When you post, but upload only part of it to Tik Tok and then share the full version on other social networks, like Instagram.
Write in the comments if you have another theory about the meaning of Flip Day!
Thank you very much for Reading.