What is Vigilante Mod Among Us – what the mod is about!

What is Vigilante Mod Among Us? Have you heard of this new mod in the game?

If not, now you are about to find out!

Fans across Canada and the United States want to know more about the new mod and how it works. So if you are also looking for the same thing, then you are in the right article!

Here we will enlighten our readers more about the new mod and its works and the mod side effects.

All Among Us fans hoping to learn more about this new mod, stay tuned as we discuss the most prominent features!

Let’s continue!

What is Vigilante Mod Among Us?

Among Us has taken the award for the most popular game in a game awards function where it had announced more updates and new maps, the craze of the game has increased since then.

The game has been entertainment for many during the pandemic, even though it was released two years ago.

The games have various skins and accessories and various modifications; like the new vigilante mod. Fans have found that mod trend all over the internet, and everyone is curious to know more about the mod as it is fascinating.

Now let’s keep knowing what the mod is about!

What is Vigilante Mod Among Us; About

The mod is vigilante type and has red skin with two horns as features on the crewmate’s head.

The function / ability of this mod allows the crewmate to kill the impostor in the spaceship. The user who allows this ability clearly decide who the impostor is, since this mod comes with the touch of him.

Well, the twist is quite dangerous, and why is it dangerous? We are about to find out!

The turn

Between us he has several mods and skins that are very striking, but the vigilante hits different because it is to kill the impostor.

What is Vigilante Mod Among Us? The twist is that if your crewmate kills the wrong impostor, both the crewmate and the accused imposter are killed. This mode can be useful if you are only sure of the imposter.

If the wrong crewmate dies, the player’s crewmate is also destroyed.

Therefore, this mod is only useful if the player is sure of the imposter.


The new mod in Among Us has all players in for a heist, as the mod has its pros and cons. The mod should be used wisely as there is a risk that your crewmate will be eliminated.

Hoping readers understand; What is Vigilante Mod Among Us, the mod is very interesting and increases the excitement of all players since killing the impostor can be used as a weapon and at the same time is a disadvantage.